Wow. This takes me back to something I found online a couple decades ago, that I mark as the start of my full-throated support for same-sex marriage. (Before that I was in strong support of same-sex divorce. Different story.) The article listed ten reasons same-sex marriage was bad for society; it was fact-based, didn’t cherry-pick Leviticus, and didn’t resort to homophobic tropes (well, not overtly).
And five of those reasons applied to my marriage (in our early 40s) to my wife Deb. 😡
As a childless couple, married late in life, we were apparently worthless to society and a burden in general. Huh.
And now we’re worse, it seems. We’re now in our 60s, post-menopausal (literally and figuratively), and decided sex was just too hard many years ago. But we cuddle every morning, every evening, and many times in between. We enjoy physical contact, just not sex. Sorry if that upsets the Heritage Foundation’s sensibilities, but they can go fuck themselves (within the bounds of marriage or not, I don’t care).