When I retired from my final job after ten years, I asked them to NOT have the usual gather-for-sheetcake-in-the-conference-room farewell “party” because I didn’t feel like listening to people make up nice things to say about me. I figured anybody who really cared would stop by my desk before I left, and several did. But not the company owner and his #2, which was fine. It just confirmed that they didn’t like my explanations that the software system I had developed and nurtured for them for the previous five years (a) couldn’t do the new things they wanted it to do, and (2) if it could, that would be stupid*. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I got a bigger kick out my IT colleagues throwing me a surprise dinner (with Deb’s collaboration) a couple weeks later. 😊
Sometimes, Dennett, it’s just time to go!
*I may not have actually said, “stupid,” but Deb will tell you that my body language tends to be strong about things like that. 😁