We have no kids, Ruby, but we have nieces and nephews. The closer ones get treated to meals at fancy restaurants, or vacations we mostly pay for, or treating their kids to stuff (to be fair, my wife enjoys those outings immensely, so it's win/win). Farther nieces/nephews get cash, albeit in "make life easier" dribbles than life-changing gifts.
My parents, while they were alive, gave money to my sister, but not to me. Not favoritism, just need — my sister couldn't (and still can't, as near as we can tell) hang on to money — preferring to spend on "memories" now rather than savings for later. When my father died my sister was executrix (necessity — my father stopped acknowledging our existence when my wife and I stole his car after he failed his driving test twice but kept driving, so my sister got financial PoA and executrix) and while I'm fairly sure that she got two-thirds of the estate, we thought we were out of the will entirely, so it was found money for us. We're pretty sure my sister has already spent most of her share.
No regrets for any of it.