We have a kalanchoe, Louise, about two years old. Deb got it as a gift when she retired. Very pretty little red flowers, not quite as nice as yours. Some big thick leaves. We put it in our bedroom, which gets the winter sunshine (low sun in winter, so it gets under the roof overhang). Flowers died off in a couple months, no big deal; plant grew slowly, leaves got bigger. Summer came, no direct sun in the bedroom, plant seemed to stop growing. Okay, move to the porch. Plant is not impressed. Meanwhile, the leaves are so big and dense that it's hard to water. Fine. Clip off half the leaves (sticking them in the pot with the avocado tree so they can die and enrich the soil), easy to water. All good.
Apparently I upset the plant, however.
Plant goes into overdrive. No more low and dense, now it's sending branches up and sideways. They get almost two feet long! Fine, I'll trim the ends, that should discourage them.
Every clipped branch has TWO spindly branches! Each of which starts bunches of buds. Which start opening like mad in March, and are still going.
Oh, and those leaves I stuck in the avocado pot? They rooted. Now doing spindly branches, but not many flowers. Still, not bad for compost...
So you should have interesting results when you propagate your kalanchoe! :-)