Oh wow, Kris, ten years ago (I turn 62 in a couple days) I was watching our retirement savings starting to stabilize after crapping out in the Great Recession. My nearly-broke in-laws were in deteriorating health and (yes, it sounds ego-maniacal) it was up to us to save them. (Although, it turned out, most of that was helping with time & talents, rather than money.) At your age, I was fixing on working until I died, then show up late to the funeral so I could get paid for morning shift.
I need to update (append?) that story you reference. Tl;dr: Deb and I enter retirement in 2020. We have plans, big (Alaska cruise for our 20th anniversary) and small (edit my wife’s kids book, which has been sitting in my Inbox the last three years). We are looking forward to the next phase, with a budget and to-do lists. 😄
But I look forward to hearing your story!