Oh! I like this idea, Roz! For exactly the reasons you stated.
I had been sympathetic to the folks posting about earnings dropping, but I've never made much anyway, so sorry, you guys, hope things get better soon! Then I got my December earnings statement from Medium, and it turns out there's a difference between not earning much and not earning enough to make it worth their while to send me the pitiful amount of pocket change I earned in December. Oh.
I checked my stats. I posted three stories behind the paywall in November (slow month) and three stories in December (ditto) and... earned more than twice as much in November. 🤨 But! If we look in January, I only have one story so far, but it was in Prism & Pen which means it did very well and has earned... 0.5% of my November top story, despite comparable views to date. 😐
Yeah, I think I'm done with Friends of Medium. 👋
Oh, and I've posted eight stories so far this month on Substack. (Free subscriptions, if anyone is interested.)