Oddly, I was for same-sex divorce before I came on board for same-sex marriage. My ex-wife (Linda) and the woman she left me for (Tish) had a commitment ceremony in the early 90s, but it was just a nice gesture; when Tish had a breakdown and essentially vanished, Linda was left with all the debts with no protections. 😡
Over 20 years later, Linda and her s.o. Carol ran into roadblocks as an unmarried couple. Carol couldn’t drive Linda on the local Naval base for medical treatment (Linda is a CDR USNR(ret.) who earned military health care) while Linda couldn’t visit Carol during Carol’s cardiac episode because Linda wasn’t “family” as far as the staff was concerned. But this time they could fix it, and got married in 2020. 😊
I wish that religious marriage and civil marriage had different names, since they have many similarities but significant differences. Civil marriage works for the benefit of society (inheritance, co-ownership, etc.), while religious marriage has benefits for the religious. Your religion forbids same-sex marriages? Fine. But that doesn’t (or shouldn’t) keep people from getting a civil marriage license, with all rights and responsibilities attached there to.