Jack HerlockerPine Oaks Bank, Tuesday Morning, 11:57 AMWe join events at the bank, already in progressJan 215Jan 215
Jack HerlockerLife is a Rom-Com in Three ActsAct 2, where the boy is caught flirting with the cute photographerJun 24, 20244Jun 24, 20244
InPrism & PenbyJack HerlockerA Secret Sapphic Poet at a High School Reunion?Because you just never know who you’ll meetJun 8, 20249Jun 8, 20249
InRecycledbyJack Herlocker“8 Great Ways to Have That Perfect Date!”“#7: Be spontaneous!”Jan 21, 20247Jan 21, 20247
Jack Herlocker“I Am Not Marrying You. Just So You Know.”Clears up THAT question! Wait, who asked?Jan 15, 20246Jan 15, 20246
Jack HerlockerThe Story of GuntherOnce upon a time there was a gargoyle named Gunther, who didn’t fit in.Dec 20, 20236Dec 20, 20236
Jack HerlockerThey Met on the Promenade Deck (Part 1)She was trying to get through the cruise from Hell; he was just trying to read his bookAug 29, 20233Aug 29, 20233
Jack HerlockerThey Met on the Promenade Deck (Part 2)Revenge is a dish best served on a cold debit cardAug 30, 20232Aug 30, 20232
Jack HerlockerThey Met on the Promenade Deck (Part 3)Musing about things that might be, things that could have been. Also mustaches. And pools.Aug 31, 2023Aug 31, 2023
Jack HerlockerThey Met on the Promenade Deck (Postscript)Sometimes a happy ending just leads to happy beginningsSep 6, 20233Sep 6, 20233
Jack HerlockerConundrum of the Empty ChairStory response to a prompt by Louise PeacockFeb 28, 20244Feb 28, 20244
Jack HerlockerThe Haunting of Heller House“…the curse that befalls the unhallowed owner of Heller House. Know ye that your nights shall be full of terror!”May 13, 202110May 13, 202110
Jack HerlockerThe Haunting of Heller House, Part 3“I see dead people!” “Uh-huh. Who doesn’t, these days?”Sep 12, 20241Sep 12, 20241
Jack HerlockerThe Haunting of Heller House, Part 4Or: The Haunting of Heller HallSep 16, 20241Sep 16, 20241
Jack HerlockerComfort Pets as a Service“Since 2028, Petzz4U has offered quality comfort animals — and more!”Sep 28, 20204Sep 28, 20204
Jack HerlockerHappy High School DaysGuaranteed or your money refunded (less preparation fees and consumables)Mar 29, 20222Mar 29, 20222