Jack HerlockerChat with Deb—Grab the Money and RunOodles of cash and a suitcase to carry it!Jul 6, 20238Jul 6, 20238
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb—Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 1Boston, MassachusettsSep 2, 20235Sep 2, 20235
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 2Departing Boston in fog, rain, and weatherSep 5, 20236Sep 5, 20236
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb—Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 3Fog, Maine, Fog, Nova Scotia, and [checks notes] FogSep 15, 20234Sep 15, 20234
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 4Corner Brook, Newfoundland, a lovely spot, then on to Greenland… with icebergsSep 29, 20234Sep 29, 20234
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 5“Iceberg! It’s HUGE! No, not that, the next one. Nope, little more left…”Oct 28, 20236Oct 28, 20236
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb—Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 6They predicted fog and ice. They were correct, but fortunately NOT both at once.Nov 18, 20235Nov 18, 20235
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 7“What cute little puffins!” “INCOMING!”Dec 5, 20238Dec 5, 20238
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 8Fiddler on the roof? How about a lawn mower on the roof!Jan 6, 20246Jan 6, 20246
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb—Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 9Glacier water is the cleanest on earth! Or not. Sometimes soooo not…Jan 19, 20247Jan 19, 20247
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 10The Highlights of Reykjavík guided tour was worth itFeb 20, 20245Feb 20, 20245
Jack HerlockerChat with Deb — Our Great Northern Cruise, Part 11Shark… it’s what’s for lunch! (Wait, WHAT?)Jun 2, 20243Jun 2, 20243