Hmmm. Never thought of you as “Chinese,” Agnes. Maybe “east Asian (?)” when I thought about it. Labels are useful to me when trying to predict or explain behavior; so if people are “Philadelphians,” I expect them to be Phillies baseball fans and like thin-sliced steak sandwiches with cheese and onions. You, OTOH, are your own you, unique, unpredictable, and inexplicable.
Story exercise: start with, “This is Agnes. She lives in the tropics, loves sandy beaches and walks in warm rain. Her boyfriend just forgot her birthday, even though he uses it as his briefcase lock combo.” End with, “This is Agnes. She and her husband are touring Northern Europe in a camper so small they take showers outside. In the dead of winter. With snow.” Do not use fantasy elements such as wizards, science fiction elements such as mind-control, or psychotropics of any kind. Extra points if a phrase such as, “Because it was Agnes, y’know?” does not appear more than once per page.
You are the most amazing person, dear lady, is my point. And you are killin’ it being you. 💚