Guilty pleasure? Bread pudding.
As a dessert? Very bad for me, if served at a restaurant with full sugar compliment; still not great if made at home with sugar substitute, because white bread = simple-carb poison. (Although I did try making bread pudding with pumpkin bread and pumpkin filling mixed into the custard — pumpkin pumpkin-bread bread pudding! Still had to take extra oral medications to get my sugars under control. 🙄)
Years ago Deb introduced me to the concept of savory bread pudding — no sugar, herb seasoning, chicken or some other meat/fish added. Leftover bread, of course (in the true spirit of bread pudding) and whatever else happened to be around.
And as fate would have it, I have a mess of savory bread pudding almost ready to pop into the oven. Big mess of leftover stuffing from Thanksgiving (too overdone to send home with the guests), plus leftover mashed potatoes, plus (yes, I'm trying to clean out the fridge) leftover broccoli casserole (with Ritz cracker crumb topping still intact). Plus canned chicken, plus the obligatory cream+egg mixture, plus cheese on top and mixed in. Probably take an hour to bake, so it’ll be going into the oven shortly. And that will be supper for the next four nights!