Draft of Marketing Survey for New Product

We are interested in your opinion on a prospective product, and are not trying to sell you anything

Jack Herlocker
9 min readMar 4, 2020
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

This survey is intended to get your opinions about a potential new product. It is not trying to sell you anything, nor will it be used to solicit you in the future. Your responses will be aggregated into the total responses of all participants, and no data will be attached to your responses that could be used to identify you as an individual.

Your answers are important to us. It is important that you take the time to properly consider your answers. If you do not have the time to take this survey properly, please do not take it at all.

*** NOTE ***


What is the gender with which you identify?
○ Male
○ Female
○ Other
○ Prefer not to answer

Into which group does your age fall?
○ 18–24
○ 25–30
○ 31–40
○ 41–50
○ 51–60
○ 61–70
○ 70+
○ Prefer not to answer

Into which group does your annual household income fall?
○ $30,000 or less
○ $30,001 to $50,000
○ $50,001 to $75,000
○ $75,001 to $100,000
○ $100,001 to $150,000
○ $150,001 or more
○ Prefer not to answer

What is your current relationship status?
○ Single, never married
○ Married or living with a partner
○ Divorced or separated
○ Widow or widower
○ Other or prefer not to say

Into which age group(s) does your child or children fall? (check all that apply)
○ 5 or younger
○ 6–10
○ 11–13
○ 14–16
○ 17+
○ No children
○ Prefer not to answer

As you may know, the human genome is being researched by public and private research labs. Some of this research has linked specific genes or genetic markers to medical conditions, susceptibility to certain diseases, or human behaviors. Although having a particular gene or genetic marker does not guarantee that a person will get sick or behave a certain way, someone with that particular gene or genetic marker is statistically more likely to get a particular disease or behave a certain way compared to someone without that gene or genetic marker.

Some companies are offering tests or test kits that can determine whether an individual has a particular gene or genetic marker. We are interested in how you feel about such tests or kits and how likely you would be to purchase such a service or product.

You will see several scenarios with different types of test kits or services. Consider each scenario on its own merits, as if it was the only option available, rather than compare the different options.

The genetic marker being tested has been linked to aggressive traits in certain individuals. Individuals with this genetic marker have been observed statistically to posses the following likelihoods, compared to those without the genetic marker:

  • over 7 times more likely to commit a violent crime;
  • over 8 times more likely to be convicted of murder;
  • almost twice as likely to use a weapon in commission of a crime;
  • roughly 5 times more likely to commit violence against a spouse or domestic partner

Note that the presence of this genetic marker does not mean the individual WILL commit violence, only that they are more likely to than individuals without that genetic marker.

If you had the opportunity to find out if you have this genetic marker (not worrying about cost for the moment), would you want to?
○ Yes
○ No
○ Not sure

Suppose a kit to determine this genetic marker could be purchased at a pharmacy or online. The kit requires a small sample of blood (no more than a pin prick) to be sent to a lab for processing. Results are kept private and no one has access to the results but you. Results are accurate 98% of the time. What is the most you would be willing to pay for this kit?
○ $150
○ $125
○ $100
○ $75
○ Less than $75
○ Would not purchase this kit

Suppose a kit to determine this genetic marker could be purchased at a pharmacy or online. The kit requires a swab from the inside of your mouth to be sent to a lab for processing. Results are kept private and no one has access to the results but you. Results are accurate 90% of the time. What is the most you would be willing to pay for this kit?
○ $125
○ $100
○ $75
○ $50
○ Less than $50
○ Would not purchase this kit

Suppose you acquired the kit that only required a swab from the inside of the mouth for a sample, say as a sample or a gift. Whom would you want to test?
○ Yourself
○ Your spouse/domestic partner/significant other
○ Your child
○ Someone else (specify: _________________)
○ Would not use this kit to test anyone

As we mentioned before, someone with this genetic marker is roughly 5 times more likely to commit violence against a spouse or domestic partner. This does not mean that everyone with this genetic marker will be violent, only that they are more likely, on average, to commit domestic violence compared to someone who does not have this genetic marker.

Suppose that you are single and have started dating someone you just met. Would you want the person you are dating to be tested for the genetic marker mentioned?
○ No, it’s none of my business
○ No, it’s an invasion of privacy
○ No, not right away, but I might if the relationship became serious
○ No, for some other reason
○ Yes, and I would make sure that I had the permission and cooperation of the person
○ Yes, but I would get the test done without the person knowing
○ Yes, for some other reason

Suppose that you are single and have started dating someone you just met. Would you allow the person you are dating to test you for the genetic marker mentioned?
○ No, it’s none of their business
○ No, it’s an invasion of privacy
○ No, not right away, but I might if the relationship became serious
○ No, for some other reason
○ Yes, and I would give my full cooperation
○ Yes, for some other reason

Suppose your son, daughter, niece, nephew, or other close relative or friend started dating someone. Would you want that person to be tested for the genetic marker mentioned?
○ No, it’s none of my business
○ No, it’s an invasion of privacy
○ No, not right away, but I might if the relationship became serious
○ No, for some other reason
○ Yes, and I would make sure that I had the permission and cooperation of the person
○ Yes, but I would get the test done without the person knowing
○ Yes, for some other reason

Suppose the behavior of your spouse, domestic partner, or significant other made you suspect that she or he might have this genetic marker. Would you want that person to be tested for the genetic marker?
○ No, it’s none of my business
○ No, it’s an invasion of privacy
○ No, but I might if my suspicions became more serious
○ No, for some other reason
○ Yes, and I would make sure that I had the permission and cooperation of the person
○ Yes, but I would get the test done without the person knowing
○ Yes, for some other reason

Suppose that you are single and have started dating someone you just met. You find that the person you are dating had you tested for the genetic marker mentioned without your knowledge. How would you feel? (check all that apply)
☐ I would feel my privacy had been violated
☐ I would feel that I should be judged on my behavior, not some genetic trait
☐ I would understand why this was done and be forgiving
☐ I would break off the relationship
☐ I would want to know the results of the test
☐ I would NOT want to know the results of the test

It is possible to test a fetus in utero for the genetic marker using amniocentesis. This test may be covered by some health plans, but not most. Out of pocket costs range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars.

Suppose you or your spouse or partner becomes pregnant. Would you want to test the fetus for the genetic marker mentioned?
○ Yes, if it was covered by health insurance
○ Yes, if out of pocket costs were less than $250
○ Yes, if out of pocket costs were less than $500
○ Yes, if out of pocket costs were less than $750
○ Yes, if out of pocket costs were less than $1,000
○ Yes, regardless of cost

Suppose you saw an ad promising that you could perform some simple visual, non-invasive tests to determine if someone has the genetic marker mentioned. Would you:
○ Click on the ad to find out more
○ Ignore the ad

Suppose you came across an article explaining some simple visual, non-invasive tests to determine if someone has the genetic marker mentioned. The results are correct more often than not, but are not as conclusive as a blood or saliva test. Would you:
○ Use the visual tests on people you know or meet to determine if they have the genetic marker
○ Only use those visual tests in certain circumstances
○ Forget about the visual tests
○ Other (explain: ______________________________________________)

As we mentioned before, the genetic marker being tested has been linked to aggressive traits in certain individuals. Individuals with this genetic marker have been observed statistically to posses the following likelihoods, compared to those without the genetic marker:

• over 7 times more likely to commit a violent crime;

• over 8 times more likely to be convicted of murder.

This does not mean that someone will the genetic marker WILL become violent, only that they are more likely to than someone without the genetic marker.

Suppose you find yourself alone with a stranger. The stranger seems agitated, but not violent. You remember the visual tests that can indicate (but not conclusively prove) that a person has the genetic marker in question. Would you examine the stranger to determine if he or she has the genetic marker?
○ Yes, I would be curious
○ Yes, it would be a matter of personal safety
○ Yes, it would be the cautious thing to do
○ Yes, for some other reason
○ No, it would be none of my business
○ No, I would be afraid I might make the wrong conclusion
○ No, for some other reason

Suppose you find yourself alone with a stranger. The stranger seems agitated, but not violent. You remember the visual tests that can indicate (but not conclusively prove) that a person has the genetic marker in question, and determine that the stranger probably has the genetic marker in question. What would you do next?
○ Try to leave as quickly as possible
○ Talk or pretend to talk on your cell phone so that the stranger knows you are in communication with someone
○ Keep an eye on the stranger but take no other action
○ Feel worried because the stranger is more likely to be violent
○ Ignore the results of the visual tests because they are not conclusive
○ Ignore the results of the visual tests because someone with the genetic marker is not always violent
○ Something else

Suppose you find yourself alone with a stranger. The stranger seems agitated, but not violent. You remember the visual tests that can indicate (but not conclusively prove) that a person has the genetic marker in question, and determine that the stranger probably does NOT have the genetic marker in question. What would you do next?
○ Try to leave as quickly as possible
○ Talk or pretend to talk on your cell phone so that the stranger knows you are in communication with someone
○ Keep an eye on the stranger but take no other action
○ Feel safe because the stranger is less likely to be violent
○ Ignore the results of the visual tests because they are not conclusive
○ Ignore the results of the visual tests because someone without the genetic marker is not always safe
○ Something else

Suppose you test yourself for the genetic marker mentioned and the results come back positive (with a 98% chance of being correct). How would you react? Check all that apply:
☐ You would feel worried that you might react violently in a situation
☐ You would feel worried that you might pass along the genetic marker to your child
☐ You would feel relieved because past situations where you became violent were not totally your fault
☐ You would feel relieved because now that you know, you can take steps to curb violent tendencies
☐ You would not worry about the results, because your genetic material is not you
☐ You would not worry about the results, because your upbringing has made you strong enough to overcome your genetic makeup
☐ You would be more likely to put yourself in situations where violence could occur
☐ You would be careful to avoid situations where violence could occur
☐ You would not change your behavior; whatever happens, happens

The genetic marker is the Y chromosome, which is present in males but not females.



Jack Herlocker
Jack Herlocker

Written by Jack Herlocker

Husband & retiree. Author. Former IT geek/developer. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.

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