Deb has done a couple book fairs and one grammar school talk. The book fairs were duds; we sold one copy at the first (to an author who was also at a table — to be fair, it snowed in October and the total crowd less staff and authors was in single digits) and maybe four at the second (MUCH bigger crowd).
The grammar school talk was to maybe a couple dozen kids and parents. Deb walked though the creative process in writing a book, with a slideshow and a Q&A format that got the audience involved. As a percentage of the crowd, MUCH better sales results. I suspect after fifteen minutes, Deb had made an emotional connection and the parents thought hey, for $10 each, why not?
Something that I got out of the book fairs was a chance to "professionalize" Deb's table, by seeing what other authors did. So I had a 30-second looped video running on an iPad to attract visitors, and a flyer with a summary of Deb's books (and links to buy off Amazon). Also business cards for Deb, after someone asked for one at the first fair (I did not not realize that was a thing, although it seemed obvious in retrospect), with Deb's author email address and her website URL ( [I confess I had fun making the video, flyer, business cards, and website.]