Conversation with My Wife (11)

Why are the nuns bringing sewing kits to the stable?

Jack Herlocker
3 min readDec 30, 2016

Deb got a reusable Advent calendar from her parents years ago. It has figures and objects from the Nativity, hand-cut and hand-painted. It finishes the day before Christmas, so besides providing an Advent countdown it also is a Nativity on Christmas. All neat, proper, and respectful.

And then I came into the family.

ME: <adding item #24> “There! The space visitor with the baby in the disposable diaper goes next to the guy in the space helmet.”

DEB: <sighing> “Yes, dear.”

ME: “Now we know where the guys with the Christmas presents are going. We know that they have Christmas presents because they have Christmas wrapping.”

DEB: “Three kings, honey. They have crowns.”

ME: “And they can see the poor confused pigs in the Jewish stable.”

DEB: “And we know it’s a Jewish stable because…”

ME: “There are Stars of David overhead.”

ME: “Although I can’t explain the nuns and why they showed up.”

DEB: “Shepherds, honey.”

ME: “Although I can’t explain the shepherds and why they showed up dressed as nuns.”

DEB: “The shepherds were told to come by the angels, Jackster.”

ME: “The ones blowing the vuvuzelas?”

DEB: <sighs> “Fine. Okay, why do the nuns have sewing needles?”

ME: “Have what?”

DEB: “Sewing needles. They have sewing needles. Why? Because sometimes swaddling clothes need some quick repair work.”

ME: <wordless>

DEB: “It’s like you write these things about me saying how smart I am, but you never actually read them!”



Jack Herlocker

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.