Member-only story
Chats with Deb
Chat with Deb—Nerd Humor, and the Muggles Who Appreciate It
So, do you remember the uh… the, ummmm…
ME: Hey, honey, check this out! It’s nerd humor, but even you will get it! (I show her my phone)
DEB: EVEN I will get it?! (does not look at phone)
ME: Uh huh! (sees her expression) What?
DEB: So, even I might get this? Okay. (looks at phone) (smiles) Okay, that was cute.
ME: See!
DEB: (sighs dramatically) Thank you, dear, it’s nice to know even someone as simple as I am can understand your kind of humor.
ME: But Debster, you’re my favorite muggle!¹
DEB: (looks at me, breaks into smile, kisses me) I do love you! Even if I wasn’t your favorite!
Later that day, when I’m thinking about writing this up for Chats with Deb:
ME: Debster, do you remember that joke I showed you on my phone this morning?
DEB: (thinks for a bit) No.
ME: Me neither.
DEB: We were too caught up in the muggle thing, weren’t we? Sorry, honey!
Still later that day:
DEB: Portulacas.
ME: (half-second pause) Yes! Thank you, luv!
Nothing to do with the joke earlier. We were trying to remember the type of plant that we like…