Chat with Deb—Dinner Theater

There are stories, and there are truths, and there are Venn diagrams with very small intersections

Jack Herlocker


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ME: Okay, at your five o’clock. The table in the corner. There’s a guy with his back to us, he’s just been joined by a woman.

We are having a dinner out at a restaurant we have not been to in… years? At least eight years, Deb’s mom was with us. Part of the fun of eating out is observing the other diners, of course, and making up stories about them.

Oh, and the food, of course. The food was good, too.

DEB: Okay, I see them. And?

ME: He’s dressed casually, from what I can tell. She’s wearing a full-length coat, which she still has on—

DEB: No, that’s not a full-length coat, that’s knee-length. Wait, I’m thinking of coats Mom used to wear, no, these days “full length” is about to the knee. Continue.

ME: See, honey, this is why we have these discussions. Anyway, it’s a nice coat, nicer than what he’s wearing. They have a corner table with their backs to the restaurant, so they want a sense of privacy. So I’m thinking she showed up expecting him to be more formally dressed, and now she wants to cover up the fact that she’s all dolled up while he’s gone casual. Maybe first or second date.



Jack Herlocker
Jack Herlocker

Written by Jack Herlocker

Husband & retiree. Author. Former IT geek/developer. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.

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